F2 400G
F2 400G
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Hvad betyder det, at billedet er mærket "Faktisk disk"?
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Hvilken vægt skal jeg vælge?
Hvilken vægt skal jeg vælge?
Kort svar: Er der en forskel på et par gram mellem de forskellige varianter? Så gør det ikke så meget.
Langt svar: Generelt er en lettere skive ofte lettere at kaste for begyndere, men er mere påvirket af vind og kan opfattes som mindre pålidelig. Desuden vil en lettere skive "springe" mindre frem, når den rammer jorden. Eksperimenter med forskellige vægte for at opdage forskellene.
Køber du en skive under 170g, betragtes den som en "letvægtsskive". Det kan være en fordel at eksperimentere med lettere vægte, især for begyndere og spillere, der har svært ved at komme op i fart på disken.
Prodigy F2 er en medium speed fairway driver, som har en forudsigelig flyvning. Den er overstabil, og alligevel kontrollerbar nok til at udføre de mest krævende kast på smalle huller.
Hastighed: 13
Sving: 0
400G plast:
400 er en premium plast, der både har et fremragende greb og er ekstremt holdbart. Plasten nedbrydes langsomt over tid, og grebet holder selv i vådt vejr. 400G er en lidt hårdere og mere holdbar version af 400.
This disc, right here, blew me away on the first throw. Pulled it out of the box and took it to a fairway driver field work sesh. Put it up against Teebirds, Teebird3s, Rivals, TL3s, TLs, Stalkers, Pipelines, and more. This disc pushed 50 feet beyond all those on incredible S-lines right out of the box. Consistently. The glide over the previously mentioned discs is extremely noticeable, and I'm the type of guy who usually says its the archer, not the arrow. But dang... (Nivå på anmelder: Viderekommen)
The F2 is an absolute gem in the prodigy fairway line up. If you like throwing discs in that seven speed with a lot of comfortable control the F2 is perfect for you. It holds up to some torque and will fly extremely straight if you are able to get it up to speed. The F2 has enough low speed stability to fight its way out of most flights. When thrown on hyzer the F2 loves to hold it with a neutral stability and carry a great amount on the angle. If you release it flat you can get a slight turn but very little before it fights out with a very straight finish. On anhyzer you sometimes can overpower it and get a nice panning flight but when thrown with touch you get a get S-flight for some great distance out of a 7 speed. I think the F2 is not the most workable fairway in the prodigy lineup but it is definitely one of the more workhorse and dependable fairways that you can always trust to do what you want. People that have massive arms may find the F2 to be an absolute lazer beam with little to no drift off the line and people with slower arms will get a bit more finish but still not enough to say this disc is overstable. (Nivå på anmelder: Middels)
Nice, slightly overstable fairway driver. This is my forehand workhorse, where a slight hyzer will give me a straight flight with dependable fade. You can work angles on the backhand for shots where a dead straight fairway (e.g. FD) doesn't have enough shaping profile. It is slowly beating in, which brings it closer to the dead straight profile. A nice, dependable disc. (Nivå på anmelder: Middels)
I bought this looking for an alternative for an eagle since I couldn't find them anywhere. I bought 3 all in 400. I typically want to throw my fairways between 350-400, but all 3 were extremely under stable for me. To get any distance with them I have to throw them on pretty steep hyzers or as rollers. Quickly removed from my bag when I was able to find eagles again (Nivå på anmelder: Nybegynner)
I was really excited to get this disc (163g) and felt even better after my first time out with it. Typically I have issues with throwing too high, but for some reason, everything I threw with this disc was a waist-high laser that held a straight line for as long as I needed it to. Huge Prodigy fan, so from the first moment I held it, I loved the mold and the feel of the 400G plastic (I love the feel of all their plastics, really). My only gripe - and this might be more me than the disc - is every round since I've had great trouble avoiding worm-burns with this disc. Again, when I'm struggling, it's because I'm throwing high. But lately, especially on windier courses, I can't get this thing to stay in the air. I throw other discs the exact same way, and they stay up and/or go to high; I throw this one, and it goes 100 feet before burning grass. I'm gonna work with it more and see if I can make some adjustments, but it's just the strangest thing that now prevents me from pulling it out in all situations that might typically call for it. (I'm also not very good, so if you're more experienced/consistent looking for a nice fairway driver, I think this disc hsa a lot of potential.) (Nivå på anmelder: Nybegynner)